Jumat, 15 Oktober 2010

tasawuf modern

suatu hari ketika masih berada di bangku sd saya main - main ke rumah kakek dan mendapati sebuah buku yang cukup tebal (untuk ukuran saya waktu itu) berjudul tsawuf modern, karena memang msih kecil dan tak mnegerti maka saya tak membacanya tapi melihat2 dan membuka2 halama demi halamn dengan cepat, siapa tahu ada gambar yang menarik (dasar anak kecil...)
karena isinya tulisan semua buku itu saya anggap tak menarik,kemudian saya simpan lagi ke atas rak.
tapi bertahun - tahun kemudian ketika pikiran ini makin tumbuh berkembang dan jiwa yang semakin haus aka percerahan ketika mendengar nama buku itu di sebut langsung pikiran melayang ke sepotong episode yang hampir terlupa itu. Segera kucari buku itu,tapi tampaknya saya kurang berutung karena buku itu tak tahu kemana.
Kemudaian akhirnya nyoba - nyoba minem ke teman,tapi tak satupun yang puya karena itu memang buku lama dan cukup langka. Alangkah menyesalnya......
coba - coba searching juga agak susah nyari linknya. tapi akhirnya alhamdulillah ketemu satu blog yang menuliskan satu buku itu lengkap, akhirnya bisa baca deh.....Alhamdulillah.

Selasa, 05 Oktober 2010

perbedaan angiospermae dengan gymnospermae

Pengertian Tumbuhan Berbiji Terbuka (Gymnospermae)

Secara harfiah Gymnospermae berarti gym = telanjang dan spermae = tumbuhan yang menghasilkan biji. Jadi, Gymnospermae adalah tumbuhan yang memiliki biji terbuka.
Tumbuhan kelompok Gymnospermae mempunyai ciri, yaitu :
1.Bakal biji tidak terlindungi oleh daun buah.
2.Berakar tunggang.
3.Umumnya berupa pohon.
4.Mempunyai akar, batang, dan daun sejati.
Para ahli biologi menggolongkan Gymnospermae menjadi beberapa ordo dan divisio, yaitu :
1.Cycadales divisio Cycadophyta, contoh pakis haji (Cycas rumphii)
2.Ginkgoales divisio Ginkgophyta, contoh Ginkgo biloba
3.Coniferales divisio Pinophyta, contoh pinus, cemara, dan damar
4.Gnetales divisio Gnetophyta, contoh melinjo (Gnetum gnemon)

1.Ordo Cycadales Divisio Cycadophyta
Tumbuhan yang termasuk dari Cycadales adalah pakis haji. Pakis haji berbentuk seperti kelapa sawit dan sering digunakan untuk tanaman hias. Jenis ini dapat ditemukan di daerah tropis dan subtropis.
Klasifikasi Pakis Haji

Kingdom : Plantae (tumbuhan)
Subkingdom : Tracheobionta (berpembuluh)
Superdivisio : Spermatophyta (menghasilkan biji)
Divisio : Cycadophyta (sikad)
Kelas : Cycadopsida
Ordo : Cycadales
Familia : Cycadaceae
Genus : Cycas
Spesies : Cycas rumphii Miq
Adapun ciri - ciri umum dari ordo Cycadales adalah :
1.Berupa pohon, seperti kelapa sawit dengan pertulangan daun sejajar.
2.Berumah dua, artinya ada tanaman jantan yang menghasilkan strobilus4 jantan dan tanaman betina yang menghasilkan strobilus betina pada tanman yang berbeda.
Anggota ini menghasilkan strobilus yang besar. Meskipun demikian, rata - rata reproduksinya rendah. Dari 15 - 20 strobilus yang dihasilkan tumbuhan Cycas jantan, hanya satu atau dua saja yang siap melepaskan serbuk sarinya. Strobilus jantan ini menghasilkan aroma yang membuat serangga tertarik untuk datang. Setelah datang, serangga tersebut akan memakan strobilus dan berkembang biak. Pada saat yang sama, strobilus betina menghasilkan bau yang dapat mengusir serangga yang datang kepadanya. Setelah beberapa waktu, strobilus betina menghasilkan aroma yang justru menarik serangga yang berasal dari strobilus jantan. Sambil membawa mikrospora dari strobilus jantan, serangga tersebut menuju strobilus betina dan terjadilah polinasi.
2.Ordo Ginkgoales Divisio Ginkgophyta
Salah satu tumbuhan dalam ordo Ginggoales adalah Ginkgo biloba. Tanaman ini berasal dari Cina. Selain itu, spesies ini tercatat sebagai spesies pohon tertua di dunia. Selama 80 tahun spesies ini belum pernah berubah.

Klasifikasi Ginkgo biloba
Kingdom : Plantae
Divisio : Ginkgophyta
Class : Ginkgoopsida
Ordo : Ginkgoales
Family : Ginkgoaceae
Genus : Ginkgo
Spesies : Ginkgo biloba
Ciri khas tanaman ini adalah mempunyai daun yang berbentuk seperti kapas dengan lebar 5 sampai 10 sentimeter dan tinggi batang mencapai 30 meter. Selain itu, daunnya juga ada yang berbentuk mirip daun paku kelompok suplir.
Manfaat dan kegunaan Ginkgo biloba :
ØBerfungsi sebagai antioksidan untuk menekan radikal bebas
ØUntuk meremajakan sel-sel otak yaitu dengan cara memulihkan reseptor-reseptor di dalam otak serta meningkatkan serotonin
ØMempunyai kemampuan untuk memperbaiki peredaran darah
Dapat memacu produksi molekul energi ATP (adenosine triphosphate)
Ketika musim penyerbukan tiba, tanaman ini mengeluarkan bau yang kurang sedap dan dijauhi oleh manusia. Peluang agribisnis tannaman ini adalah di manfaatkan sebagai peneduh atau sebagai tanaman hias. Selain itu, tanaman ini juga di percaya sebagai tanaman obat Bronkhitis dan asma sejak 5000 tahun lalu di Cina.

3.Ordo Coniferales Divisio Pinophyta
Tumbuhan yang termasuk ordo Coniferales adalah pinus atau tusam (Pinus merkusii), damar (Agathis alba), dan cemara (Araucaria cunning hamii).

Klasifikasi Pinus
Divisi : Coniferophyta
Kelas : Pinopsida
Bangsa : Pinales
Suku : Pinaceae
Marga : Pinus
Jenis : Pinus montezumae Lambert.
Adapun ciri umum ordo Coniferales adalah tanaman berupa pohon, daun berbentuk jarum, serta ada yang berumah satu5 dan berumah dua6.
Pohon pinus dan cemara banyak hidup di Eropa bagian pegunungan. Di Eropa tanaman pinus dan cemara disebut evergreen, artinya daunnya tetap hijau sepanjang masa. Tumbuhan dari ordo ini banyak dimanfaatkan oleh manusia. Misalnya, batang pinus digunakan untuk bahan industri kertas dan korek api. Sedangkan damar digunakan untuk minyak terpentin dan obat - obatan. Selain itu, cemara juga dapat digunakan sebagai tanaman hias. Manfaat dan kegunaan tanaman tersebut merupakan peluang dalam agribisnis.

4.Ordo Gnetales Divisio Gnetophyta
Tumbuhan yang cukup dikenal dari ordo ini adalah melinjo atau tangkil7 (Gnetum gnemon). Melinjo banyak digunakan oleh orang Indonesia untuk sayur - sayuran dan emping.
Klasifikasi ilmiah Gnetum gnemon (Melinjo)
Kerajaan : Plantae
Divisi : Gnetophyta
Kelas : Gnetopsida
Ordo : Gnetales
Famili : Gnetaceae
Genus : Gnetum
Spesies : Gnetum gnemon
Anggota lainnya adalah Ephedra sp. dan Welwitschia sp. Genus Ephedra atau yang di kenal dengan nama ”Mormon tea” atau ”Ma Huang” mengandung zat ephedrin dan pseudo-ephedrin. Zat ini jika di minum dalam dosis rendah digunakan sebagai obat demam. Zat ini dapat pula mengemulsikan sistem syaraf pusat sehingga tidak jarang digunakan sebagai narkoba yang dikenal dengan herbal ectacy. Ephedra tumbuh di seluruh gurun di dunia.
Berbeda dengan Ephedra yang tumbuh di seluruh gurun dunia, Welwitschia hanya tumbuh di gurun Afrika. Pertumbuhan tumbuhan dengan daun berupa helai - helai yang besar dan panjang mirip gurita ini cukup lambat. Kebutuhan airnya sebagian besar dipenuhi melalui kabut.
Adapun ciri - ciri umum ordo Gnetales antara lain tanaman berupa pohon, daun lebar, dan mempunyai pertulangan menyirip bentuk daun buah melingkar atau berkarang, serta ada yang berumah satu dan berumah dua.
Secara umum Gymnospermae bermanfaat bagi kehidupan manusia. Di antaranya sebagai berikut :
1.Tanaman hias, misalnya cemara dan pakis haji.
2.Bahan industri, cat, dan obat - obatan, misalnya damar.
3.Bahan pembuat kertas dan korek api, misalnya pinus.
4.Sayur - mayur, misalnya melinjo.

2.2.Pengertian Tumbuhan Berbiji Tertutup (Angiospermae)

Tumbuhan biji tertutup memiliki jumlah spesies lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan tumbuhan berbiji terbuka. Tumbuhan berbiji tertutup (Angiospermae8) berasal dari kata angio = bunga dan spermae = tumbuhan berbiji. Tumbuhan ini memiliki bunga yang sesungguhnya yang terdiri dari mahkota bunga, kelopak bunga, putik, dan benang sari.
Secara umum, tumbuhan berbiji tertutup memiliki ciri yang sama dengan tumbuhan berbiji terbuka. Keunikan tumbuhan berbiji tertutup terletak pada bijinya yang tersusun oleh keping lembaga (kotyledon). Keping lembaga pada tumbuhan berbiji tertutup membentuk dua kelompok tumbuhan, yaitu tumbuhan berbiji tunggal (Monocotyledonae) dan tumbuhan berbiji berkeping dua (Dicotyledonae).

1.Tumbuhan Berkeping Tunggal (Monocotyledonae)
Monokotil9 disebut juga tumbuhan berkeping satu atau tunggal kerena memiliki biji yang berkecambah dengan satu daun lembaga.
Contoh tumbuhan monokotil adalah padi, gandum, dan jagung. Tumbuhan ini memiliki beberapa ciri, yaitu berakal serabut, batang memiliki ruas-ruas, pertulangan daun sejajar, jumlah mahkoa bunga atau kelopak adalah tiga atau kelipatannya, dan batangnya tidak bercabang-cabang.
Tumbuhan monokotil memiliki beberapa famili, diantaranya : famili pisang-pisangan (Musaceae), famili rumput-rumputan (Gramineae atau Poaceae), famili nanas-nanasan (Bromeliaceae), famili anggrek-anggrekan (Orchidaceae), famili jahe-jahean (Zingiberaceae), dan famili kelapa (Palmae).
Kalian tentu mengenal keenam famili tersebut. Untuk lebih jelasnya, akan dibahas ciri-ciri dan fungsi pada setiap famili.

a.Famili Pisang-pisangan (Musaceae)

Klasifikasi Pisang
Divisi : Spermatophyta
Sub Divisi : Angiospermae
Kelas : Monocotyledonae
Keluarga : Musaceae
Genus : Musa
Species : Musa spp
Ciri - ciri dari famili pisang-pisangan adalah :
1)Batangnya bercabang semu karena tersusun oleh beberapa pelepah daun yang saling membungkus,
2)bertulangan daun sejajar sehingga mudah sobek, dan
3)Memiliki barisan bunga yang banyak.
Contohnya, pisang (Musa paradisiaca) dan pisang kipas (Musa madagaskariensis)

Manfaat Tanaman
Pisang adalah buah yang sangat bergizi yang merupakan sumber vitamin, mineral dan juga karbohidrat. Pisang dijadikan buah meja, sale pisang, pure pisang dan tepung pisang. Kulit pisang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk membuat cuka melalui proses fermentasi alkohol dan asam cuka. Daun pisang dipakai sebagi pembungkus berbagai macam makanan trandisional Indonesia.
Batang pisang abaca diolah menjadi serat untuk pakaian, kertas dsb. Batang pisang yang telah dipotong kecil dan daun pisang dapat dijadikan makanan ternak ruminansia (domba, kambing) pada saat musim kemarau dimana rumput tidak/kurang tersedia.
Secara tradisional, air umbi batang pisang kepok dimanfaatkan sebagai obat disentri dan pendarahan usus besar sedangkan air batang pisang digunakan sebagai obat sakit kencing dan penawar racun.
Adapun manfaat dan kegunaan dari famili ini adalah penghasil buah-buahan dan untuk tanaman hias. Selain itu, daunnya dapat digunakan untuk pembungkus makanan, jantung pisang dapat digunakan sebagai sayur atau lalap, dan batangnya digunakan untuk pertunjukan wayang.

Peluang Agribisnis
Perkebunan pisang yang permanen (diusahakan terus menerus) dengan mudah dapat ditemukan di Meksiko, Jamaika, Amerika Tengah, Panama, Kolombia, Ekuador dan Filipina. Di negara tersebut, budidaya pisang sudah merupakan suatu industri yang didukung oleh kultur teknis yang prima dan stasiun pengepakan yang modern dan pengepakan yang memenuhi standard internasional. Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa pisang memang komoditas perdagangan yang sangat tidak mungkin diabaikan. Permintaan pisang dunia memang sangat besar terutama jenis pisang Cavendish yang meliputi 80% dari permintaan total dunia.
Selain berpeluang dalam ekspor pisang utuh, saat ini ekspor pure pisang juga memberikan peluang yang baik. Pure pisang biasanya dibuat dari pisang cavendish dengan kadar gula 21-26 % atau dari pisang lainnya dengan kadar gula < 21%.
Di Indonesia pisang hanya ditanam dalam skala rumah tangga atau kebun yang sangat kecil. Standard internasional perkebunan pisang kecil adalah 10-30 ha. Angka ini belum dicapai di Indonesia. Tanah dan iklim kita sangat mendukung penanaman pisang, karena itu secara teknis pendirian perkebunan pisang mungkin dilakukan.

b.Famili Rumput - rumputan (Gramineae atau Poaceae)

Klasifikasi Ilmiah Padi :
Regnum : Plantae
Divisio : Angiospermae
Kelas : Monocotyledoneae
Ordo : Poales
Familia : Poaceae
Genus : Oryza
Spesies : O. Sativa
Ciri - ciri umum famili rumput - rumputan, antara lain:
1)Memiliki akar serabut,
2)Batang beruas-ruas dan berongga serta tumbuh tegak,
3)Daun berbentuk pita dengan pertulangan daun sejajar, dan
4)Bunga tumbuh diujung batang yang tersusun membentuk malai atau bulir majemuk.
Contohnya, padi (Oryza sativa), jagung (Zea mays), tebu (Saccharum officinale), dan serai (Andropogun fragrans).

Jumat, 03 September 2010

Kerendahan Hati

Pernahkah anda membaca puisi - puisi yang dikarang oleh taufik ismail?
ada banyak sekali tentunya, bahkan lagu - lagu yang dinyanyikan bimbo liriknya ditulis oleh taufik ismail.
Buah tangan dari pria kelahiran Bukittinggi,Sumatera Barat 25 Juni 1935 ini memang luar biasa, salah satunya adalah sebuah puisi yang berejudul kerendahan hati. Saya mengetahuinya ketika menyaksikan acara Jika Aku Menjadi Special Ramadhan yang ditayngkan stasiun Trans TV.
Sungguh setiap untaiankatanya walaupu sederhan tapi maknanya begitu dalam,apalagi ketika astri ivo membacakannya diiringi petikan akustik gitar nan syahdu seakan gemuruh hati ini....

ini dia lirik puisi tersebut.

Kalau engkau tak mampu menjadi beringin
yang tegak di puncak bukit
Jadilah belukar, tetapi belukar yang baik,
yang tumbuh di tepi danau

Kalau kamu tak sanggup menjadi belukar,
Jadilah saja rumput, tetapi rumput yang
memperkuat tanggul pinggiran jalan

Kalau engkau tak mampu menjadi jalan raya
Jadilah saja jalan kecil,
Tetapi jalan setapak yang
Membawa orang ke mata air

Tidaklah semua menjadi kapten
tentu harus ada awak kapalnya….
Bukan besar kecilnya tugas yang menjadikan tinggi
rendahnya nilai dirimu
Jadilah saja dirimu….
Sebaik-baiknya dari dirimu sendiri

atau mungkin anda ingin mendengarkannya dibawakan oleh seorang pria,

silahkan klik link berikut

Jumat, 20 Agustus 2010


Kau kirimkan aku sebuah cinta yang utuh
Didalam sebuah kotak iman
Terbungkus kertas hijrah
Ada sebuah pita jihad di atasnya dan
Kau kirim lewat angin Islam

Hari ini
Kau Rabbku
Ruku'ku tunduh sujudku jatuh
Lewat air mata ini
Ingin kumohon padaMu
Beri aku kekuatan Ya Rabbi
Tuk jaga cinta yang kau titipi

Aku tetap berlari ke barisan terdepan
Membawa cinta ini lewat ridhoMu
Karena Kau tahu

Aku akan pulang menemuimu dan
Ingin kurasakan nikmat terbesar lainnya
Mampu menengadahkan wajahku
Menatapmu sambil menyerahkan cinta yang tetap utuh

Yang terakhir.....
Ridhokah Kau kupanggil Kekasih

Senin, 21 Juni 2010

"Aku bukan muslimah yang baik"

"Aku bukan muslimah yang baik"
ketika musimah lain sibuk dengan membaca dan mentadburi Al-Quran,
aku sibuk dengan mendengrkan lagu picisan yang mwmbuatku semakin jauh dari-Nya.

ketika muslimah sibuk dengan menambahka hapalan Al-Quran,
aku malah sibuk menghapalkan lirik - lirik lagu.

ketika muslimah lain malu menampakan wajah dan fotonya,aku malah sibuk meng-upload fotoku agar bisa dilihat semua orang.

ketika muslimah lain sibuk dengan menundukan pandangannya,
aku malah sibuk dengan melihat wajah tampan yang bukab mahramku.....

NB: dari catatan abu yahya

Kamis, 10 Juni 2010

History of Computers Part 2

An Illustrated History of Computers
Part 2


Just a few years after Pascal, the German Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (co-inventor with Newton of calculus) managed to build a four-function (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) calculator that he called the stepped reckoner because, instead of gears, it employed fluted drums having ten flutes arranged around their circumference in a stair-step fashion. Although the stepped reckoner employed the decimal number system (each drum had 10 flutes), Leibniz was the first to advocate use of the binary number system which is fundamental to the operation of modern computers. Leibniz is considered one of the greatest of the philosophers but he died poor and alone.

Leibniz's Stepped Reckoner (have you ever heard "calculating" referred to as "reckoning"?)

In 1801 the Frenchman Joseph Marie Jacquard invented a power loom that could base its weave (and hence the design on the fabric) upon a pattern automatically read from punched wooden cards, held together in a long row by rope. Descendents of these punched cards have been in use ever since (remember the "hanging chad" from the Florida presidential ballots of the year 2000?).

Jacquard's Loom showing the threads and the punched cards

By selecting particular cards for Jacquard's loom you defined the woven pattern [photo © 2002 IEEE]

A close-up of a Jacquard card

This tapestry was woven by a Jacquard loom

Jacquard's technology was a real boon to mill owners, but put many loom operators out of work. Angry mobs smashed Jacquard looms and once attacked Jacquard himself. History is full of examples of labor unrest following technological innovation yet most studies show that, overall, technology has actually increased the number of jobs.

By 1822 the English mathematician Charles Babbage was proposing a steam driven calculating machine the size of a room, which he called the Difference Engine. This machine would be able to compute tables of numbers, such as logarithm tables. He obtained government funding for this project due to the importance of numeric tables in ocean navigation. By promoting their commercial and military navies, the British government had managed to become the earth's greatest empire. But in that time frame the British government was publishing a seven volume set of navigation tables which came with a companion volume of corrections which showed that the set had over 1000 numerical errors. It was hoped that Babbage's machine could eliminate errors in these types of tables. But construction of Babbage's Difference Engine proved exceedingly difficult and the project soon became the most expensive government funded project up to that point in English history. Ten years later the device was still nowhere near complete, acrimony abounded between all involved, and funding dried up. The device was never finished.

A small section of the type of mechanism employed in Babbage's Difference Engine [photo © 2002 IEEE]

Babbage was not deterred, and by then was on to his next brainstorm, which he called the Analytic Engine. This device, large as a house and powered by 6 steam engines, would be more general purpose in nature because it would be programmable, thanks to the punched card technology of Jacquard. But it was Babbage who made an important intellectual leap regarding the punched cards. In the Jacquard loom, the presence or absence of each hole in the card physically allows a colored thread to pass or stops that thread (you can see this clearly in the earlier photo). Babbage saw that the pattern of holes could be used to represent an abstract idea such as a problem statement or the raw data required for that problem's solution. Babbage saw that there was no requirement that the problem matter itself physically pass thru the holes.

Furthermore, Babbage realized that punched paper could be employed as a storage mechanism, holding computed numbers for future reference. Because of the connection to the Jacquard loom, Babbage called the two main parts of his Analytic Engine the "Store" and the "Mill", as both terms are used in the weaving industry. The Store was where numbers were held and the Mill was where they were "woven" into new results. In a modern computer these same parts are called the memory unit and the central processing unit (CPU).

The Analytic Engine also had a key function that distinguishes computers from calculators: the conditional statement. A conditional statement allows a program to achieve different results each time it is run. Based on the conditional statement, the path of the program (that is, what statements are executed next) can be determined based upon a condition or situation that is detected at the very moment the program is running.

You have probably observed that a modern stoplight at an intersection between a busy street and a less busy street will leave the green light on the busy street until a car approaches on the less busy street. This type of street light is controlled by a computer program that can sense the approach of cars on the less busy street. That moment when the light changes from green to red is not fixed in the program but rather varies with each traffic situation. The conditional statement in the stoplight program would be something like, "if a car approaches on the less busy street and the more busy street has already enjoyed the green light for at least a minute then move the green light to the less busy street". The conditional statement also allows a program to react to the results of its own calculations. An example would be the program that the I.R.S uses to detect tax fraud. This program first computes a person's tax liability and then decides whether to alert the police based upon how that person's tax payments compare to his obligations.

Babbage befriended Ada Byron, the daughter of the famous poet Lord Byron (Ada would later become the Countess Lady Lovelace by marriage). Though she was only 19, she was fascinated by Babbage's ideas and thru letters and meetings with Babbage she learned enough about the design of the Analytic Engine to begin fashioning programs for the still unbuilt machine. While Babbage refused to publish his knowledge for another 30 years, Ada wrote a series of "Notes" wherein she detailed sequences of instructions she had prepared for the Analytic Engine. The Analytic Engine remained unbuilt (the British government refused to get involved with this one) but Ada earned her spot in history as the first computer programmer. Ada invented the subroutine and was the first to recognize the importance of looping. Babbage himself went on to invent the modern postal system, cowcatchers on trains, and the ophthalmoscope, which is still used today to treat the eye.

The next breakthrough occurred in America. The U.S. Constitution states that a census should be taken of all U.S. citizens every 10 years in order to determine the representation of the states in Congress. While the very first census of 1790 had only required 9 months, by 1880 the U.S. population had grown so much that the count for the 1880 census took 7.5 years. Automation was clearly needed for the next census. The census bureau offered a prize for an inventor to help with the 1890 census and this prize was won by Herman Hollerith, who proposed and then successfully adopted Jacquard's punched cards for the purpose of computation.

Hollerith's invention, known as the Hollerith desk, consisted of a card reader which sensed the holes in the cards, a gear driven mechanism which could count (using Pascal's mechanism which we still see in car odometers), and a large wall of dial indicators (a car speedometer is a dial indicator) to display the results of the count.

An operator working at a Hollerith Desk like the one below

Preparation of punched cards for the U.S. census

A few Hollerith desks still exist today [photo courtesy The Computer Museum]

The patterns on Jacquard's cards were determined when a tapestry was designed and then were not changed. Today, we would call this a read-only form of information storage. Hollerith had the insight to convert punched cards to what is today called a read/write technology. While riding a train, he observed that the conductor didn't merely punch each ticket, but rather punched a particular pattern of holes whose positions indicated the approximate height, weight, eye color, etc. of the ticket owner. This was done to keep anyone else from picking up a discarded ticket and claiming it was his own (a train ticket did not lose all value when it was punched because the same ticket was used for each leg of a trip). Hollerith realized how useful it would be to punch (write) new cards based upon an analysis (reading) of some other set of cards. Complicated analyses, too involved to be accomplished during a single pass thru the cards, could be accomplished via multiple passes thru the cards using newly printed cards to remember the intermediate results. Unknown to Hollerith, Babbage had proposed this long before.

Hollerith's technique was successful and the 1890 census was completed in only 3 years at a savings of 5 million dollars. Interesting aside: the reason that a person who removes inappropriate content from a book or movie is called a censor, as is a person who conducts a census, is that in Roman society the public official called the "censor" had both of these jobs.

Hollerith built a company, the Tabulating Machine Company which, after a few buyouts, eventually became International Business Machines, known today as IBM. IBM grew rapidly and punched cards became ubiquitous. Your gas bill would arrive each month with a punch card you had to return with your payment. This punch card recorded the particulars of your account: your name, address, gas usage, etc. (I imagine there were some "hackers" in these days who would alter the punch cards to change their bill). As another example, when you entered a toll way (a highway that collects a fee from each driver) you were given a punch card that recorded where you started and then when you exited from the toll way your fee was computed based upon the miles you drove. When you voted in an election the ballot you were handed was a punch card. The little pieces of paper that are punched out of the card are called "chad" and were thrown as confetti at weddings. Until recently all Social Security and other checks issued by the Federal government were actually punch cards. The check-out slip inside a library book was a punch card. Written on all these cards was a phrase as common as "close cover before striking": "do not fold, spindle, or mutilate". A spindle was an upright spike on the desk of an accounting clerk. As he completed processing each receipt he would impale it on this spike. When the spindle was full, he'd run a piece of string through the holes, tie up the bundle, and ship it off to the archives. You occasionally still see spindles at restaurant cash registers.

Two types of computer punch cards

Incidentally, the Hollerith census machine was the first machine to ever be featured on a magazine cover.

history of computer Part 1

An Illustrated History of Computers
Part 1


John Kopplin © 2002

The first computers were people! That is, electronic computers (and the earlier mechanical computers) were given this name because they performed the work that had previously been assigned to people. "Computer" was originally a job title: it was used to describe those human beings (predominantly women) whose job it was to perform the repetitive calculations required to compute such things as navigational tables, tide charts, and planetary positions for astronomical almanacs. Imagine you had a job where hour after hour, day after day, you were to do nothing but compute multiplications. Boredom would quickly set in, leading to carelessness, leading to mistakes. And even on your best days you wouldn't be producing answers very fast. Therefore, inventors have been searching for hundreds of years for a way to mechanize (that is, find a mechanism that can perform) this task.

This picture shows what were known as "counting tables" [photo courtesy IBM]

A typical computer operation back when computers were people.

The abacus was an early aid for mathematical computations. Its only value is that it aids the memory of the human performing the calculation. A skilled abacus operator can work on addition and subtraction problems at the speed of a person equipped with a hand calculator (multiplication and division are slower). The abacus is often wrongly attributed to China. In fact, the oldest surviving abacus was used in 300 B.C. by the Babylonians. The abacus is still in use today, principally in the far east. A modern abacus consists of rings that slide over rods, but the older one pictured below dates from the time when pebbles were used for counting (the word "calculus" comes from the Latin word for pebble).

A very old abacus

A more modern abacus. Note how the abacus is really just a representation of the human fingers: the 5 lower rings on each rod represent the 5 fingers and the 2 upper rings represent the 2 hands.

In 1617 an eccentric (some say mad) Scotsman named John Napier invented logarithms, which are a technology that allows multiplication to be performed via addition. The magic ingredient is the logarithm of each operand, which was originally obtained from a printed table. But Napier also invented an alternative to tables, where the logarithm values were carved on ivory sticks which are now called Napier's Bones.

An original set of Napier's Bones [photo courtesy IBM]

A more modern set of Napier's Bones

Napier's invention led directly to the slide rule, first built in England in 1632 and still in use in the 1960's by the NASA engineers of the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo programs which landed men on the moon.

A slide rule

Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) made drawings of gear-driven calculating machines but apparently never built any.

A Leonardo da Vinci drawing showing gears arranged for computing

The first gear-driven calculating machine to actually be built was probably the calculating clock, so named by its inventor, the German professor Wilhelm Schickard in 1623. This device got little publicity because Schickard died soon afterward in the bubonic plague.

Schickard's Calculating Clock

In 1642 Blaise Pascal, at age 19, invented the Pascaline as an aid for his father who was a tax collector. Pascal built 50 of this gear-driven one-function calculator (it could only add) but couldn't sell many because of their exorbitant cost and because they really weren't that accurate (at that time it was not possible to fabricate gears with the required precision). Up until the present age when car dashboards went digital, the odometer portion of a car's speedometer used the very same mechanism as the Pascaline to increment the next wheel after each full revolution of the prior wheel. Pascal was a child prodigy. At the age of 12, he was discovered doing his version of Euclid's thirty-second proposition on the kitchen floor. Pascal went on to invent probability theory, the hydraulic press, and the syringe. Shown below is an 8 digit version of the Pascaline, and two views of a 6 digit version:

Pascal's Pascaline [photo © 2002 IEEE]

A 6 digit model for those who couldn't afford the 8 digit model

A Pascaline opened up so you can observe the gears and cylinders which rotated to display the numerical result